Sunday, November 30, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Grandpa Bill with Alex and Austin
Trying to get a pose with the kids...not easy

Little sweetie

Being silly

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day with Will's parents. It was just us but was nice. We ate lots of great food. Leftovers on Friday were just as good. I am done with all that food for a while!

Now, its time to gear up for Christmas and decorating. The kids Santa list are complete and I have started some online ordering. My mom and sister will be here for a week. Can't wait -- they arrive in 3 weeks.

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. Check back soon.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

4 years ago this week....

My 9 year old son, Alex was diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. That was the worst day of my life. I was in a fog for months.

Then I got busy, learning, researching, networking, and figuring out what I had to do to keep him strong, happy and healthy for as long as possible.

I am thrilled to say that he is doing really well. He gets around really good, is doing good in school, has great friends and loves him family.

It is more important than ever to find a cure or atleast stop the progression. A day or minute never goes by that I don't pray for that miracle or atleast think about it. It's the elephant that never leaves the room.

Please keep these boys in your prayers always....Thank you.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Halloween Fun

Neighborhood kids ready to trick-or-treat
Ellie checking out the goodies in the bag

Austin loves Skittles!

Darth Vader and my little monkeys

HI -

I am finally posting some pics from Halloween. It was a fun night and the twins are now officially "pros" and taking candy from all the neighbors. The first house we went to, the twins kinda stood there as we showed them how to open their bags while the sweet neighbor put a candy bar in the bag. By house #2, Ellie was not shy, she just took 2 or 3 handfuls from their bowl and put in her bag... It was cute. We will work on manners by next year. Enjoy the pics.

We had some neighbors and friends over before and after trick-or-treating. It was alot of fun. It is nice to have Halloween on a weekend night.