They see presents for the first time this year.

Merry Christmas Photo - 2008
Family Update Well, this year is almost over. Wow – it has flown by. I am happy to say that we have had a good year overall even during these tough economic times. 2009 should be interesting….. Here is a little update on the gang:
Alex - We are so thrilled and thankful that he has not declined at all this year. If anything, he is stronger in some ways. His checkup went very well in July in Cincinnati. The doctors are thrilled with how well he is doing. He is definitely more aware of his muscular dystrophy and asks lots of questions. He sometimes tells me he wishes he did not have it…. Heart breaking moment for mom. He is smaller than most kids his age, due to the meds. No big deal, but it is a little noticeable to him. He is small boy, but it is easier on him to carry around less weight. He still gets frustrated easy and has some trouble handling situations, but we are working on it. He is turning out to be quiet the writer. His teacher loves his stories and says she has never met a 3rd grader who can write the way he does….maybe this is his career in the making. He is in Cub Scouts for the third year in a row. He is a Bear Cub. It is a very fun organization. The outings and life lessons they teach are truly wonderful. He is a very sweet and caring boy. He loves his friends and his family. His favorite thing to do besides building Lego creations is to watch movies on the weekend with his dad and eat popcorn. This is their new weekend ritual.
Austin – What can I say about my sweet little guy… He loves Thomas the Train, trucks and cars especially Lightning McQueen from the Cars Movie. All boy….. He is a pretty easy kid most of the time. He is saying a lot of words but not saying sentences yet. When he gets mad, he screams….loud. No crying just screaming. He doesn’t get mad that often, but when he does, watch out. He loves to empty all toy boxes and containers, turn them over and climb on tables, furniture etc.….Yea that’s fun!! He was not scared of Santa this year. He walked up to him and sat next to him……but his sister wouldn’t let go of my leg…. So no Santa photo this year.
Ellie – Our little princess in the making and such a cuddle bug. She has turned out to be the cuddler. She grabs her blanket and body slams me to hug and cuddle. It is so cute. It use to startle me, but now I see her coming. She loves dress-up, her purse and brushing hair. Will is already getting styles by his daughter. Just you wait, one day I will get that photo of a barrette or bow in his hair…. Won’t that be funny. She is very passionate about things and can throw quiet the tantrum. Where Austin thinks whatever and moves on, she does not. She throws her body on the ground, floor, bed or whatever… Not a pretty sight from our little princess, but luckily they usually end quickly. I ignore them most of the time and hope and pray she will outgrow it before she hits 3…or 4 or 5. (ha ha). She is repeating most everything we say these days. She put 2 words together but no sentences yet.
They are two very active and energetic children. Around here right before dinner or after, can be rather loud and chaotic…. Lots of fighting, screaming and crying. Will and I usually smile or take deep breaths and try and get through. And yes, sometimes it is us crying… ha ha (not really).
Will – My hard working, busy husband. Yes, he has had a very busy year with work. He and his sales team have done a wonderful job this year but they work so hard. The children adore him and they all have a fun, rough and tumble play time almost every day. It is so funny, I told Will today, you are like a Rock Star around here. When Will is around (usually), I am invisible. Sometimes, it is a nice break for me. Today, when he walked in, they all yell out in joy, clap etc. I told Will…. They act like you are famous. Dads are the fun time, amusement ride entertainment while mom cleans the kitchen. It is fun to watch. Will is Cub Master again this year for Pack 800. He does a great job. Alex loves having his dad leading all the Pack Meeting. It is also great bonding time for them.
Kim - I feel like I am busier than ever but I do love it. I try to get more sleep than I use to. It was definitely affecting me. My days are filled with the usual SAHM (stay at home mom) stuff – Play group, playdates, school activities, cub scouts, homework, housework, laundry, etc. The same as most of you…I know but it does get exhausting. I do still love to try and do some things for me and that helps keep me sane – scrapbooking, book club, my Mom’s church group and long hot baths with a glass of Chardonnay and a magazine or book. Yep, I look forward to those moments. I am blessed that I can stay home with the kids. I do not take any of it for granted.
Overall – we are very blessed to have our loving family and friends, close and far away. I know I don’t see a lot of you often or talk to you often but I think of all of you a lot.
My hope for all of you and for us in 2009 is good health, peace, love and joy…. And that our economy gets back on track soon.
Love and happiness from our family to yours ~~~
Kim, Will, Alex, Austin and Ellie